mile23 en How Not To Run A Web Site <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'field' --> <!-- FILE NAME SUGGESTIONS: * field--node--title--blog.html.twig x field--node--title.html.twig * field--node--blog.html.twig * field--title.html.twig * field--string.html.twig * field.html.twig --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'core/modules/node/templates/field--node--title.html.twig' --> <span>How Not To Run A Web Site</span> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'core/modules/node/templates/field--node--title.html.twig' --> <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'field' --> <!-- FILE NAME SUGGESTIONS: * field--node--uid--blog.html.twig x field--node--uid.html.twig * field--node--blog.html.twig * field--uid.html.twig * field--entity-reference.html.twig * field.html.twig --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'core/modules/node/templates/field--node--uid.html.twig' --> <span> <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'username' --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'core/modules/user/templates/username.html.twig' --> <span>Mile23</span> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'core/modules/user/templates/username.html.twig' --> </span> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'core/modules/node/templates/field--node--uid.html.twig' --> <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'field' --> <!-- FILE NAME SUGGESTIONS: * field--node--created--blog.html.twig x field--node--created.html.twig * field--node--blog.html.twig * field--created.html.twig * field.html.twig --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'core/modules/node/templates/field--node--created.html.twig' --> <span>Wed, 10/22/2008 - 23:06</span> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'core/modules/node/templates/field--node--created.html.twig' --> <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'field' --> <!-- FILE NAME SUGGESTIONS: * field--node--taxonomy-vocabulary-7--blog.html.twig * field--node--taxonomy-vocabulary-7.html.twig * field--node--blog.html.twig * field--taxonomy-vocabulary-7.html.twig * field--entity-reference.html.twig x field.html.twig --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'themes/bootstrap/templates/field/field.html.twig' --> <div class="field field--name-taxonomy-vocabulary-7 field--type-entity-reference field--label-above"> <div class="field--label">Topics</div> <div class="field--items"> <div class="field--item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/35" hreflang="en">mile23</a></div> <div class="field--item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/36" hreflang="en">web 2.0</a></div> </div> </div> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'themes/bootstrap/templates/field/field.html.twig' --> <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'field' --> <!-- FILE NAME SUGGESTIONS: * field--node--body--blog.html.twig * field--node--body.html.twig * field--node--blog.html.twig * field--body.html.twig * field--text-with-summary.html.twig x field.html.twig --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'themes/bootstrap/templates/field/field.html.twig' --> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field--item"><p>The last update to this web site was a year and a half ago, which makes me wonder what I've been up to.</p> </div> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'themes/bootstrap/templates/field/field.html.twig' --> <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'links__node' --> <!-- FILE NAME SUGGESTIONS: * links--node.html.twig x links.html.twig --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'themes/bootstrap/templates/system/links.html.twig' --> <ul class="links inline list-inline"><li class="node-readmore"><a href="/content/how-not-run-web-site" rel="tag" title="How Not To Run A Web Site" hreflang="en">Read more<span class="visually-hidden"> about How Not To Run A Web Site</span></a></li><li class="comment-comments"><a href="/content/how-not-run-web-site#comments" title="Jump to the first comment." hreflang="en">1 comment</a></li><li class="comment-new-comments"><a href="/taxonomy/term/35/feed" class="hidden" title="Jump to the first new comment." data-history-node-last-comment-timestamp="1224766513" data-history-node-field-name="comment_node_blog"></a></li></ul> <!-- END OUTPUT from 'themes/bootstrap/templates/system/links.html.twig' --> Thu, 23 Oct 2008 06:06:29 +0000 Mile23 108 at