The Most Basic Color Management Info You Need

Submitted by Mile23 on Wed, 03/07/2007 - 16:17

I: Stating the problem

Suppose you took a picture, and you want to print it out. The color might be accurate on your computer screen, but not so right when you print it out. It might be too dark or maybe not saturated enough.

This is the most basic color management problem. Things look different on the screen than on a printout. Got it? Good. :-)

L*a*b Color Space

Submitted by Mile23 on Sun, 10/16/2005 - 10:04

I've recently been learning a lot about the L*a*b (or Lab) color space, for image manipulation.

To see why, here's a simple experiment you can do: Open up an image in Photoshop and convert it from RGB mode to Lab Color mode. Add a Curves effect layer (or just edit the curve) and tweak the a and b channels. Choke them down so that a 90% input equals a 100% output, and a 10% input equals a 0% output.

Now compare the original image to the tweak. You can't do this by simply turning up the saturation, either...